Tidiness in the bathroom: tips from expert Marie Kondo
The systematic way to tidy the bathroom
Marie Kondo has all the answers: The Japanese advisor’s simple method will bring a sense of system into your home. Including the bathroom, of course! After all, tidiness in the bathroom is essential for creating a place of relaxation. Find out the best-selling author’s tips for keeping your bathroom in check here.
Tidiness in the bathroom: a case for the tidying expert
Every object has its place: Create harmony in the bathroom with clever storage ideas such as the WallStoris accessories from hansgrohe.
Tidying up has never been more popular, and Marie Kondo plays a major role in this global movement. The woman from Japan is an expert in this field, turning her passion into her profession. She wrote a bestseller with The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing and she has published a further two books on tidying and organisation.
She is also well-known in the UK, particularly thanks to her Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Her name has even been turned into a verb: “kondo-ing”, meaning to get rid of anything that does not spark joy.
But why is Marie Kondo so popular? One of the reasons must be her ethereal appearance: The tidying expert seems to be at peace with herself and radiates an enormous sense of calm.
She also associates a tidy home with a tidy mind. Our home therefore becomes a mirror to our innermost thoughts and emotions.
This spiritual notion of tidiness and cleanliness is what makes Kondo’s philosophy so appealing. It also borrows from the concept of a minimalistic lifestyle: Less is more.
A sleek, minimalist design brings serenity to the bathroom and helps to focus on the essentials.
More tidiness in the bathroom with the KonMari method
Marie Kondo has developed her own method of tidying. The idea behind it? Thoroughly tidy up once and keep it tidy. The KonMari method can also be effortlessly applied to the bathroom – you could even say it’s particularly important in this room. After all, this is where we start the day with a refreshing skincare routine or end the day with a relaxing bath. To have this place of calm, it needs to be tidy. Missing towels, empty drawers or laundry piling up in front of the washing machine: The lack of system causes carnage in the bathroom.
With the KonMari method, you can transform your bathroom into a tidy place in no time at all. To do this, you need to follow these three steps:
Have an extreme clear-out to create more storage space in the bathroom: Give yourself a day. Gather all the items and decorative elements in the bathroom. Hold each one in your hands and ask: “Does it spark joy?”. This is one of the most important questions of the KonMari method. The underlying idea is we should only surround ourselves with things that make us happy. So be strict when sorting out decorative elements you don’t like. And then give away or donate unused cosmetics or extra towels. And so on.
Re-sort everything and give the items a specific place: After sorting everything out, group all similar things together. They will be given a specific place in the bathroom. Depending on the room’s design, you could roll up towels and store them in a cupboard. For a serene look, you could store small items such as skincare and hygiene products, cosmetics and your hairdryer in rattan or cloth baskets. Items used daily can be placed on practical shelves. The WallStoris flexible storage system from hansgrohe is perfect for this, as it is adaptable and can be conveniently affixed to the wall: There’s no need to drill the wall or tiles.
Maintain the tidy system: Once you have tidied the bathroom once, you need to keep it that way. You can gain the mindful focus needed for this by getting into daily routines.
One tip from Marie Kondo is to roll up towels. This makes them decorative and easier to take off the shelf.
Frequently asked questions about tidiness in the bathroom with the KonMari method
1. Who is Marie Kondo?
Marie Kondo is a Japanese tidying expert. She is a bestselling author and has her own Netflix series about tidying.
2. Which approach does the Japanese advisor take?
The tidying expert has a holistic approach: Our living space is a mirror into our soul. If we only surround ourselves with beautiful and functional things, we will create the necessary clarity for a mindful life.
3. Which principles does Marie Kondo base her tidying tips on?
The KonMari method includes having an initial clear-out and then storing the items you keep in a systematic way.
4. How important are tidiness and storage space in the bathroom?
Storage space in the bathroom is essential. Baskets and cabinets provide a specific place to store items so that they can be found at any time. This state brings a nice sense of calm to the bathroom.
5. How do I keep the bathroom tidy in the long term?
By regularly asking about the purpose of the decorative elements, (unused) cosmetics or accessories, we reduce our consumerism and untidiness.
Tidiness and mindfulness as the principles behind bathroom design
A tidy bathroom is a blessing and can have a positive impact on your mood. If you tidy up by following the KonMari method and stick to it in the long term, you will enrich your life with values. These values include being mindful with raw materials and aware of your own needs.
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