Medium Pressure - MP (1Bar - 1.5Bar)*
• Combination boiler fitted providing hot water on demandHigh Pressure - MP - HP (1.5 - 4Bar)
• Booster pump installed
When the gravity of water exceeds 0.61pm, this is known as 'Positive Head'
(i.e. when a shower head is positioned below the cold water storage tank).
In this situation a standard shower pump can be used. Please note, with the exception of the select valves,
these require an universal pump.
Whilst a 'Negative Head' condition is when the gravity of water is less than 0.61pm
(i.e. when a shower head is positioned above the cold water storage tank).
In these conditions an universal pump must be used.
Please note, a Universal shower pump will work in both positive and universal head conditions.
The correct pump will allow you to use any of the products featured this brochure.